"Iischi Mitarbeiter" - Our Employees
About Us
In our company, a variety of departments merge harmoniously with each other. Carried by shared enthusiasm for mountains, nature, snow and above all technology, we are united by a strong bond. We share a fascination for majestic peaks and for the nature around Zermatt. This enthusiasm is equally reflected in our curiosity for technological solutions, which determines our everyday work. Through the powerful interaction of our skills, talents and passions, we jointly create the unique Zermatt experience – affording our guests magical moments and unforgettable impressions.
A variety of departments merge harmoniously with one another. Driven by a shared enthusiasm for mountains, nature, snow and, above all, technology, we are united by a strong bond. We share a fascination for the majestic peaks and nature around Zermatt. This enthusiasm is also reflected in our curiosity for technological solutions, which characterises our day-to-day work.